Whether you are in business or not, love makes the world go round. If you don’t love yourself, you will be projecting out negative things about yourself (I’m too fat,…
10 reasons why you should invest in your head rather than your business
I’m writing this post having had a week of different meetings with spiritual entrepreneurs. Some are in pre-start up phase, some in the first six months and others are changing…
Is it make or break for your relationship?
Is it make or break for your relationship? With all the time together over the festive season, often this time can highlight a number of issues within a relationship and…
Top ten ways to survive Christmas if you are feeling a bit low
Top Ten Ways to Survive Christmas if you are feeling a bit low With Christmas approaching, it can be a funny time for many, especially if you have lost people/animals…
How good are you at getting video testimonials?
I just wanted to remind everyone how powerful a video testimonial is. It can be hard to pluck up the courage to ask your clients to do it, but they…
How do you find a good business mentor or coach?
How do you find a good business mentor or coach? mentoring One thing I notice when I am chatting to new business owners and entrepreneurs is that they are full…
Is your poor Maths ability affecting the profits in your business?
As a business owner, you may think what does it matter whether I am good or bad at Maths, but it may be affecting your business more than you realise. …
Are you creating anxiety and distrust issues accidentily in your business and home life?
How much notice to you take about your behaviour every day? Do you notice how you are behaving in certain situations with clients, when you are networking or just in your…
Do you have a room of doom? Is it time to declutter and clean?
For those of you who know me well, you will know that I actively get my clients to ‘declutter and clean’ as part of the process of working with me…
Hacked By K3L0T3X
~!Hacked By K3L0T3X alias Mathis!~ Hacked By K3L0T3X Greetz : Prosox, RxR, General KBKB \!/Fuck Nofawkx Al. I was in Nofawkx Before you ~Hacked By K3L0T3X\!/ Hacked By K3L0T3X!…