I’ve been asked a few times can Distant Reiki be delivered online and remotely and the answer is YES! All practitioners (Level 2 and above) are trained in delivering distant…
Distant Reiki and the benefits of receiving it online in your own home

I’ve been asked a few times can Distant Reiki be delivered online and remotely and the answer is YES! All practitioners (Level 2 and above) are trained in delivering distant…
Laughter, Light & Love – use this time to create more laughter in your life. Stay positive and on a high vibration of love. Enjoy the sunshine and keep all…
In these unprecedented circumstances, you could be forgiven for feeling doom and gloom for yourself and for others as well as feeling that the rug has been pulled from underneath…
It is impossible to avoid the media hype about the virus which is affecting the globe. Whilst I choose not to watch or listen to the news, I always find…
At this time of year, everyone is talking about new years resolutions and setting your goals, and you may be thinking, ‘I just can’t be bothered’ as you are feeling…
Are you feeling stuck, unfulfilled and under valued? Do you feel like you carrying a life time’s worth of emotional baggage which you need to shift so that you can…
The STUCK challenge is currently on in the Money Mindset Academy Facebook group from 3rd June at 7 am each morning. Join in and get unstuck!! Sensitivity Have you ever…
Reiki is an amazing self help tool for business owners if you choose to become empowered to it yourself. At Level 2 or above, you may work on others. Reiki…
Whether you are in business or not, love makes the world go round. If you don’t love yourself, you will be projecting out negative things about yourself (I’m too fat,…