Are you worth it? A spiritual guide to managing your money mindset for business owners
I have to say a resounding ‘yes!’. When I am working with my clients and helping them to understand how to make more money in their business to gain financial stability and freedom for the future, I often ask them ‘could you write a book?’ Just asking this question, gives me fascinating responses such as ‘me write a book, no… who would want to read anything I wrote?‘ ‘It has all been written before, so I won’t be sharing something new’ or ‘I’m dyslexic so I can’t write’ All excuses and reasons why they can’t do something, where as actually deep down they know that secretly they would like to write one but just don’t feel good enough to be able to write one. This sort of fear or anxiety is so easily sorted out though if they work with me on the issues stopping them. Some very simple techniques can be used to help you overcome that fear and to stop you procrastinating. Remember that you need to move yourself out of the equation and look at how you can serve your customer’s best. What do they need to hear about? Why? How can you help them more? Surely it is selfish not to share your knowledge if it can help others.
What I have found by writing my book ‘Are you worth it? A Spiritual Guide to Managing Your Money Mindset for Business Owners’ is that it takes focus and planning, but the content itself has been easy to find and write down. I’m just writing about what I know best and this is the information I share with my clients anyway. So if you were going to write a book, what would it be on? I have links to both fiction and business book coaches and publishers and if you need to gain some help or advice about who to work with, then just ask me.
My book is strategically placed to earn me passive income in my business i.e. money that flows to me whilst I sleep, rather than exchanging my time for money such as coaching and training. Whilst I love doing these activities, they do take a lot of energy to organise, market and to deliver. Passive income means that I can have a more relaxing life, knowing my bills are paid, whilst I build up the demand for my courses. Something else you may not have realised is that when the book goes on sale, the author makes more if you buy it direct from them. I had no idea. Whilst I fully value and appreciate that Amazon and Waterstones are businesses too and will spread the word about my book globally, I had no idea that Waterstones take 65% of your book sales and Amazon takes 45% (estimated figures). That is a lot of income to lose for your own business. So if you were thinking of buying my book, you may pre-order it from me for £12.50 including shipping which is a better deal that what you will receive from the online shops. I will also send you a signed copy if you wish. The more money I make, the more I can give back and help those with depression and other mental health issues. Pre Order Form for Book
Another interesting point is how the lead up to the book launch makes you feel and how it boosts your self worth which maybe has taken a bit of battering over the years. There is a real excitement leading up to the launch, people are genuinely interested and inspired by you writing a book and it is the best feeling in the world to be given money for a book you have written, even before you physically can give it to the person who has bought it. There is such a sense of achievement as well and something you might not know too is that a copy of your book is sent to the British Library as it is part of history. How cool is that! So, if you are wondering, should I write a book? Just say ‘YES’ and make it happen. I went on an excellent book writing course which I would highly recommend. Just ask me if you would like to know more.
If you would like to come along to my charity book launch and networking event on 19th January 2016 at West Malling, Kent, you are most welcome. I am raising money for Mind, Mental Health charity and the cost is £10 plus booking fee to attend. Come along to celebrate with me, to meet some fantastic business owners and to see how you can help one another. I also have my signature workshop ‘Are you worth it?’ running on the same day at the same venue. If you are regularly told by others to put your prices up, you find it hard to value yourself and feel good enough in business or you have had financial issues in your business or personal life, this is the workshop for you. To find out more information or to book, go to: