Insightful Minds

Are you being mindful around your kids?

Are you being mindful around your kids?

Depending on when  you read this, you may be heading towards the tensions of Christmas or they might be behind you. If you reflected on how you are dealing with/dealt with the lead…

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Are you a depressed business owner?

Are you a depressed business owner?

You may think this is a bit of a strange heading to have for my blog, but I keep coming across business owners who are having lots of ups and…

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Can Mindfulness Meditation really help me change my health?

In one word…. ‘Yes’.  Mindfulness Meditation is key to you living in the present, rather than the past or the future.  When you pay more attention to your thoughts, your…

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How is your sex life affecting your money?

You may think this is a bit of an ‘out there’ thing to blog about, but as a therapist, I work a lot with individuals about their sex lives as…

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