Insightful Minds

The Workshop is on 10th September 11-1pm at Grimhilda’s Kitchen in the Royal Star Arcade, Maidstone, Kent. Please book directly with Grimhilda’s Kitchen. Please book via Grimhilda’s Facebook page. Facebook

The Balance Procedure is a non verbal energy tool which brings together the wisdom of 14 different therapies in a simple way which can be safely used by both children and adults.

The Balance Procedure brings together different symbols, colours, chakras, numerology, zodiac, crystals, planetary influence, elements all available to heal us and links this with the physical body.

The premise of the Balance Procedure is that you are creating your own reality, so if things are not going to plan, it is within your power (as your own creator) to turn things around by becoming more self awere.

This is an experiential session to find out more about the Balance Procedure tool and how you can use it to create a balanced, happy and healthy life consciously. Learn about the 9 signs of leading a balance lifestyle, how to release emotions and limiting beliefs energetically whilst using the cards and have a go with a set of cards to see just how in flow or not you are!

There will be an opportunity to buy a set of Balance Procedure book and cards (£15) as well as book onto the Level 1 training at the session.